We have been blessed with two special daughters and two sons from Eastern Europe. We welcome you to follow our journey as a family of five, waiting to travel and pick up #6, with the ins and outs of family, education, farm life, and love!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Things to be thankful for

Today was a wonderful day! So many things to be thankful for!

We got news from Ukraine, that the vote to end international adoptions, has been dropped from the docket for RADA tomorrow.....and it does not seem to be on any future dockets either! What wonderful news! Thank you for praying. I know God heard our prayers for the many children in Ukraine who deserve and want a family to call their own!

We also got news from "M's" country that they have a possible, tentative travel date for us...either June 12th or 15th. J e-mailed me today to see if either date would work for us. I think you can imagine our response..... "you tell us when to be there, and we will travel!" Sounds like as soon as we get a confirmed answer from J it is time to kick plans into high gear.

After many long hours at a dealership today, we have a new vehicle that will suit our growing family's needs. Hannah was awesome through out the entire experience. The best part is....the new car fits in our garage! We have an old garage and old garage door, and when I tried my Mom's car in the other night, I had to put the mirrors in and be super careful. Thankfully, the new vehicle fits! Yea!

So many things to be thankful for!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Congratulations!!! You must be so elated. But wow! That's less than 2 weeks from now - it'll be a crazy (but fun) dash to Eastern Europe :-)

(Can't remember if I've commented on your blog before, so delurking to say congratulations. I found your blog a few months ago through Reece's Rainbow).