We have been blessed with two special daughters and two sons from Eastern Europe. We welcome you to follow our journey as a family of five, waiting to travel and pick up #6, with the ins and outs of family, education, farm life, and love!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today our little man turns 12.

Doesn't seem like so long ago, he was here. We celebrated his birthday a few days early (before he headed back to Ukraine) with him in 2007 when he came to visit over Christmas. He was so excited about a party. He wanted to invite all his friends and have Ramen noodles and "Grandpa" chicken for his birthday. So last year on January 14, to celebrate Max's birthday, we took Hannah to Kentucky Fried Chicken to have "Grandpa" chicken. Today, the weather is nasty (snowing and blowing), so Hannah and I stayed home. Maybe we'll celebrate a day late.

I miss him so much. It's days like today that my heart aches. I know God had a plan, and that plan was for us to show Max the love of a family and the love of the Holy Father. In a way, I feel that we saved him from being an orphan, even if it was through his Mom returning to get him and take him home.

There are still toys in the closet that are his that I mean to give to Jen for her boys. There is a huge remote control digger that Uncle Kevin got him sitting in the closet. Walking past the Batman cape, makes me smile. Thinking about him trying to ride his bike makes me giggle. Giving those things away gives me closure....but also closes the door of a chapter in our lives.

So tonight, as I sit in my warm house, I wonder....is he happy? Is he warm? Did he have a good birthday? Did he do something special today? What did his mom do for him to make the day special? Does he still take time to thank Jesus for all that he has? Does he know that he will forever have a Mama and Papa in America that will love him forever?

I will continue to pray for our little man. I pray that Max is loved, that he is happy, warm and well cared for. I pray that he remembers the love of his American family, and the love of his Eternal Father.

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