We have been blessed with two special daughters and two sons from Eastern Europe. We welcome you to follow our journey as a family of five, waiting to travel and pick up #6, with the ins and outs of family, education, farm life, and love!

Friday, July 22, 2011

While I'm waiting.....

John Waller sings a song about "while I'm waiting..."  It's been going through my head a lot lately.

Here we are--waiting.  Waiting for a date to travel.  Two weeks ago, there was word that travel dates would be issued.  On Monday, they issued travel dates to those who submitted the first two weeks of June.  Our paperwork was submitted the third week.  So, possibly sometime next week we will receive a travel date.
This week, rather than stressing over "when" we have been productive.  It has been extremely hot her in Ohio this week--heat index above 100 most of the week.  We went swimming one day and had appointments to fix the girls AFOs one day.  Other than that, we have been cleaning, de-cluttering, organizing, and preparing for travel...and BOYS!  Oh gracious!  We've also been investigating vehicle options. We have a Minivan that is just 2 years old, but when you think about a family of 6 with a wheelchair and stroller, it is a tad much.  We're looking for reasonable avenues, since every penny is going towards bringing the boys home.

A dear friend at church has insisted we have a shower.  Do you know how hard it is to pick out for someone little you don't even know yet??  I realize that when you birth a baby, you don't know them either, but this situation is different.
I've done some research, asked friends who have kiddos with DS, and feel fairly equipped with the knowledge I have.  I've been choosing items online at Target and Walmart, but without knowing what size little man will be, it's a challenge to pick out things. (and Walmart won't let you register for diapers online...how silly!)
Little man will come home very much an infant.   I feel sure his caregivers care for him the best they can, but could you imagine having 7 babies with and without disabilities to care for on your own???(Typically there are approximately 12-15 kids in a group with 2 caretakers...sometimes 1 at night) The caregivers just can't provide the stimulation each kiddo needs and so, those precious kiddos spend a good amount of time on their backs, possibly in cribs.  Looking at a Down Syndrome growth chart, at 14 months, 10th percentile says he would be 15 pounds and 27".  I'm betting he doesn't even make it in the 10th percentile.  Both of our girls came home at 3% or less. 
Hopefully next week we'll have a date in sight!  As hard as it is to think about leaving our girls, I am ready to go see our boys!

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