We have been blessed with two special daughters and two sons from Eastern Europe. We welcome you to follow our journey as a family of five, waiting to travel and pick up #6, with the ins and outs of family, education, farm life, and love!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week 4

We're in the beginning of week 4 in country.  A week I had hoped that I would see at home.  My sister had a baby today.  The annual chicken supper is tomorrow at my parents' church.  I had hoped to have 3 weeks at home with the boys once they got home.  I miss the girls.
We had hope that we would have court this week.  After some developing news today, we now know that court will not be until next week.  After learning the details of the news, our facilitators; one here in our region and one in the capital city, asked us to go home and discuss the information with one another and let them know how we would like to proceed.  I held myself together (pretty much), and then came back to the apartment and cried.  We talked, we prayed.  We talked more.
I would ask that you all pray for our big boy.  Being a teenager is tough, especially with no parents to daily guide you and be a positive role model.  Being an orphan, where teasing, fights, bribes, bets, and peer pressure is a daily occurrence is not an ideal life.  Children make bad decisions, but that doesn't necessarily make the child a "bad" child.  Unfortunately, orphans are sometimes looked at differently, and given different consequences.  We know in our hearts that our boy has a good heart.  I've seen the way he treats his sisters.  I saw him interact with his new brother.
We (Doug and I) have a decision to make that will affect our family- each member of it.  This decision will definitely effect our time-line to return home, and possibly add a third trip to Ukraine.  We are thankful that in difficult moments we are able to depend on the One who is all Knowing.  We know that HE holds the master plan for each of us, and for our family.  And for that, we are thankful.
(Yes, I know many of you will be inquiring.  No, at this point we will not share details.  Thank you do understanding.)


Stephanie said...

Hi,Cara! Read any of the blog posts of families currently traveling, and Spiritual Warfare is definitely evident. Satan is prowling like a lion. The hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" came to mind as I read your blog post. Here are the lyrics:

What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged: take it to the Lord in prayer! Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness take it to the Lord in Prayer!

These are the first two stanzas, may they lift your spirits.

God Bless!

The Lim's said...

Praying for you guys!

Laurie said...

We love you guys and are here for you. Like, really here. Like, come over to eat chocolate with us if you need company. Hugs.

Jen and Billy said...

Laurie...your posted made me chuckle. Cara...wish I could be there to give you a hug and make things better. Remember that the big boy is soooooooo lucky to have been given this amazingly loving family who wants him more than he will ever know! Keep your chin up and remember all good things are worth the wait. Keeping you guys in our prayers. Love you both.

ArtworkByRuth said...

Praying for you. I remember at week four in Ukraine having my breaking moment too. This is actually a typical reaction to travelers, after four weeks it no longer feels like "vacation", as if adoption could ever feel like one!
God will not waste a day. Praying he redeems your time as you wait and continues to provide everything you need! Hugs!