We then proceeded to his groupa room so we could just sit and talk for a while. Grandma asked about all the puzzles hanging in his room that had been done over a period of time. Max went through each one and told her how long they took to put together and which parts he was in charge of. She told that he was really talented and must really like working puzzles. He just replied,"Yes, but not as much as Lego's". I took the hint....
He then took us down the hall and got a key from a caretaker to open another room for us to venture into. I thought it was going to be the craft room he has shown Cara and I on an earlier visit, but I was wrong. This room was the largest I have seen in the orphanage and is the room where they watch TV and work on puzzles. So we sat down and talked there for a while. As we were talking, it hit me. He doesn't know yet. He doesn't know that he's my son and I'm his father. We didn't have time after court to tell him the decision, and just assumed he would be told. I just assumed that the director would be notified and pass the word along. So I looked at him and asked him,"Do you know about the suit?" He looked at me with a puzzled look. So in my American way I said"The suit", which means court, but this time louder.(because it has nothing to do with a different language, you just talk like their deaf and they'll understand!!!!) He finally said "No". I looked at him and said "Well you are now Macksym Nicholas Layne". I thought he was going to cry. He just reached over and gave me the biggest hug. Its been twelve days since court, I couldn't believe he didn't know. I wonder how many times at night or when he had time to himself he wondered if he would still be an orphan, or if a judge had said yes, and he finally had a real family. A real mama, and real papa. I don't who I was more upset with, the team that helps us for not telling him, or myself. I know we were busy trying to get home to our girls in America, but all we had to was stop one day and send a simple email to make sure he knew. Looks like my first real job as his parent was a complete failure.
Checking out the iPhone with Grandma. |
My boy and his sweet tarts! He loves those things! |
I want to leave you with one last thought. In the book of Mark, chapter 10 verses 17-22. A young wealthy man comes up to Jesus and wants to join He and the disciples. I'm sure the disciples were probably happy happy this was a well to do man. They could really use a guy like this. He tells Jesus that he has done everything right, and he wants to follow him. So in verse 21. Jesus looked at him and loved him."One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." I have struggled and pondered over this verse. It's a hard verse to read. This young man really wanted to devote his life to Jesus. He just couldn't get rid of all his stuff he had worked hard for. Truth is I'm not sure I could. Another struggle. But, the part I have always missed was the part I underlined. I just thought Jesus was harping on this guy because he didn't give to the poor. I'm not sure that was the case. It was out of love that he told this man this. Christ knew, that by selling everything this man had, sure, it might be a temporary set back for him, but his eternal reward would be so much greater.
So my last question for the night is this-- out of love, what is Christ asking you to do? Cara and I have have approached this on all of our adoptions--what is God asking us to do? This question can sometimes be a scary one--one that may put you out of your comfort zone, stretch your limits. Maybe for you its committing to teach Sunday school, or helping out in the nursery at church. Maybe, its volunteering at that place you have been talking about for a while, or maybe its selling everything you have and devoting your life to the mission field. Whatever it is, I think we all need to ask ourselves this question.
1 comment:
Tearing up over Max tonight. How lucky he is to be a Layne (even though you forgot to tell him!!) I'm sure he'll forgive you :)
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