We have been blessed with two special daughters and two sons from Eastern Europe. We welcome you to follow our journey as a family of five, waiting to travel and pick up #6, with the ins and outs of family, education, farm life, and love!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mama said there would be days like this

"Mama said there would be days like this, there would be days like this, my Mama said..."

This Mama knew there would be days like this, but that doesn't mean I like them any more.  Trying to help from thousands of miles away makes me feel helpless, and the time difference doesn't help either.  It's been one of those days that I've needed to take a deep breath (or two, or three) and remind myself "all is well that ends well."

Our son is an orphan no more.  He was officially signed out of the orphanage on Tuesday, July 31, 2012.  Monday, they applied for his passport.  Because of Max's conviction, the passport office needed paperwork to prove that he could leave the region as well as needing his old passport.  Our facilitator thought that she had convinced the office to begin the process and she would return the following day (Tuesday) with the needed paperwork.  Expedited passports in this region (from past experience with Eli) take 4 business days.  So if we applied on Monday, it should be ready to pick up on Thursday.  If it was applied on Tuesday, it would be ready on Friday.  The region/state then sends paperwork to the capital city for the passports to be made, then it is sent back to the region to be stamped/signed/ registered (or something official like that).  Our facilitator called yesterday (Wednesday) to check on the passport in the capital city.  Unfortunately somehow, the capital city had not received proof that Max was able to leave his region.  After knowing that, paperwork was scanned and sent to the capital city.

Unfortunately, that glitch puts the boys return flight home a day later.  In the scheme of things, not a big deal.  The bummer is, we took a chance and bought non-refundable tickets, so the fee to change tickets is $250/ticket, plus the fare increase.  Max's ticket is an adoption fare, so there is no cost to switch his ticket.  I just spent 1.45 hours on the phone with a Delta representative, who helped me get everything sorted out, deciding what was the best route, least expensive fare increase, and changing the tickets.

It's just been one of those days.  The kids miss their Papa, (and so do I).  Many times today I've had to give myself a pep talk to keep from crying. (Sad I know, but true).  The stress of late nights and all day with three kiddos is catching up with me.  I've worked for several hours each night after I put the kiddos to bed, painting, taping, and preparing Max's room for him.

There is so much of me that wants Max's room to be perfect.  Our son is 15.  He has never had a family that cared enough to paint his room and make his room special.  He hasn't been able to pick out colors for his walls, his bedspread, or his sheets.  He hasn't had a room of his own, that he doesn't have to share with many other boys.  He has always had to guard his things for fear that someone will take them--even his body wash and his toothbrush. (Really, who steals a used toothbrush?!?)  I want to have a room for him to come home to that is his, all his.  That is the least he deserves.

It's way past my bedtime and after all that time on the phone with Delta, I don't think I'm going to get any walls painted.  Maybe it's best to rest, recover, and rejuvenate to make tomorrow the best day!

We would appreciate any prayers of support you send our way. 


Hope Harder said...

So happy for you all him that he's coming home finally!

Laurie said...

Having a completed room would be awesome. Having a real family to come home to and the opportunity to finish his room with you = AWESOME -er :)

Emi said...

I'm praying for your family. I can't wait to see Max and your husband reunited with you and the rest of your kids!

AngelaLexi79 said...

Congrats on YOUR new son! He is going to just love his OWN room.

Kimberly said...

Hang in there...I will definitely offer up some prayers for you.

Kimberly said...

hang in there...I will offer up some prayers for you.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the delay! Praying that God redeems the time that the enemy has tried to use to destroy your son.